Other sites

UMass Lowell: Global Ionospheric Radio Observatory (GIRO)

VirginiaTech / SuperDARN

Wuhan University groups

  • 6 GPS sites for scintillation and TEC measurements 
武汉 114.36  30.54 (Wuhan)桂林 110.33  25.29 (Guilin)
赣州 114.92  25.84 (Ganzhou)南宁 108.23  22.84 (Nanling)
香港 114.21  22.42 (Hongkong)三亚 109.85  18.11 (Sanya)
    • VLF receiver
    • FPI at Langfang site (39°23′N,116°39′E)

    National Space Science Center, CAS

    Langfang site

    Sodium wind/temperature lidar75-105km: 3D winds, temperature, sodium density
    Rayleigh lidar30-70km: Rayleigh temperaure, relative density
    All-sky imagerOH and O2 night airglows
    F-P Interferometer (Wuhan University, Prof Ai Yong)winds and temperatures for 630.0nm and 557.7nm channels
    Medium-Frequency radar60-100km (daytime) or 80-100km (nighttime): wind and electron density
    Meteor radar70-110km: horizontal winds
    AWSSurface temperature, pressure, wind, humidity, precipitation
    GPS receiverIonospheric TEC
    • Space Environment Prediction Center:
      • GPS scintillation and TEC @ low latitude sites (Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Nanning, and Hainan)

    China Meterological Administration 

    • GPS and Ionosonde network

    AUTUMNX Magnetometer Network

    • nearly a dozen of magnetometers as the AUTUMNX Chain, at approximately 60 W in the province of Quebec, Canada.

    Continuous Doppler Sounding Systems (CDSS)

    Czech Republic

    Receiver: 3.59 MHz,  4.65 MHz (since October 2013), 7.04 MHz (since July 2014)

    latdeg_rec =50.02N; longdeg_rec =14.28E            % Prague

    Transmitters  3.59 MHz,  4.65 MHz (since October 2013), 7.04 MHz (since July 2014)

    latdeg_Tx1=50.31N; longdeg_Tx1=14.34E                    % P.Ves

    latdeg_Tx2=49.59N; longdeg_Tx2=14.32E                   % Pruhonice

    latdeg_Tx3=50.38N; longdeg_Tx3=13.39EE                  % Dlouha Louka 

    Transmitters  3.59 MHz,

    latdeg_Tx4=49.07N; longdeg_Tx4=13.34E                   % Kasperske Hory

    latdeg_Tx5=50.14N; longdeg_Tx5=12.22E                    % Vackov

    South Africa

    Receiver: 3.59 MHz (since June 2010), many data gaps

    latdeg_rec=34.25S;  longdeg_rec=19.13E             % Hermanus

    Transmitters  3.59 MHz   

    latdeg_Tx1=33.42S; longdeg_Tx1=19.25E                     % Worcester

    latdeg_Tx2=33.56S; longdeg_Tx2=18.28E                     % Cape Town

    latdeg_Tx3=34.38S; longdeg_Tx3=20.13E              % Arniston (Cape Aghulas)

    Argentina, Tucuman

    Receiver: 4.63 MHz (since December 2012) 

    latdeg_rec=26.84S;  longdeg_rec=65.23W;               %Tucuman

    Transmitters  4.63 MHz  

    latdeg_Tx1=26.94S;    longdeg_Tx1=65.70W                  % El Mollar

    latdeg_Tx2=26.33S;    longdeg_Tx2=64.32W                  % Garmendia

    latdeg_Tx3=27.29S;    longdeg_Tx3=64.52W                 % Las Thermas


    Receivers: 6.57 MHz (installed in October 2013, more or less regular data since March 2014) 

    latdeg_rec1=24.58N;  longdeg_rec1=121.11E                 %NCU Zhongli

    latdeg_rec2=23.57N;  longdeg_rec2=120.55E              %Chi Nan University

    Transmitters  6.57 MHz  

    latdeg_Tx1=23.53N;  longdeg_Tx1=121.33E          % Dong Hwa University (Hualien)

    latdeg_Tx2=24.20N;  longdeg_Tx2=120.46E                     % Sanyi

    latdeg_Tx3=24.81N;  longdeg_Tx3=121.72E               % Fo Guang University